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Creation Gate 204

The one who came was none other than Ning Cheng, he did not know what was happening, but he knew the woman who was being insulted. That woman should have been teamed up with the purple-skirted woman, and rarely spoke, and in that cabin hall, she had always seemed very serene.

Ning Cheng, on the other hand, had never seen Lu Ming, who had been violent towards the girl, and to Ning Cheng, this person must have been a cultivator inside the original Rule Road. This cultivator had torn a female cultivator naked and inflicted violence in front of so many people and in broad daylight, so he was obviously not a good person. Even if he was a good person, this kind of fellow Ning Cheng would not hesitate to kill such a person.

So when he came, he didn’t even bother to ask for the reason and directly nailed Lu Ming to death.

Nalan Ru Xue quietly put down the Transporting Talisman that she was already holding in her hand, and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. If she didn’t have to, she really didn’t want to use the talisman to walk away. She could leave, but what about the others? Once she walked away, this would be a mountain she would never be able to cross again in her life. Both Jia Lingwei and Changsun Yan had come back here because of her, and in the end she could even think of what would happen to both of them. Or maybe this was the end of her cultivation in this life.

And even if she walked away, how far could she go? The rule path had to go into the second section, and once she walked away, she could only find a remote place and just hide for the rest of her life.

“Haha …… coughing ……” Multiplying a tsunami of laughter, he coughed a few more times to stand up again, then swallowed a few pills and walked slowly over.

“A good kill, a wonderful kill, a painful kill ……” After multiplying Yixiao said a few words one after another, his mid-air was already slowly recovering, so it was evident that his elixir was also extraordinary.

Brother Rong did not say anything, but his face had become grave, he waved his hand towards the back and twenty XuanDan cultivators quickly surrounded him. Even so, there were still eight more cultivators blocking that intersection.

Seeing this, Multiplying Yixiao once again grabbed his own Light Leaving Golden Flame Blade and came up, “Brother Cheng, on that boat I thought you were just a Yuan Building cultivator. I never thought I would have misread it. None of these beasts are good, let me help you.”

Ning Cheng’s divine sense had already sensed that Multiplying Yixiao’s injuries were serious, although he was rapidly recovering, he still waved his hand and said. “It is not appropriate for you to make a move now, first tell me what is going on? Why are these cultivators stopping here?”

As soon as he was about to speak, Jia Lingwei, who was on the other side, hurriedly came up and took the initiative to say, “Senior Brother Cheng, I will speak.”

She didn’t have the same transport talisman as Nalan Ruxue, only an attack talisman, and even if her attack talisman could kill a XuanDan eighth layer, she would end up with the same fate. Not to mention that his attack talisman could only seriously injure a late XuanDan cultivator at most.

“Don’t talk nonsense to him, let’s go together.” That Brother Rong saw that twenty XuanDan cultivators had surrounded Ning Cheng and immediately said with a wave of his hand. He attached great importance to Ning Cheng. Ning Cheng had nailed Lu Ming with a single shot, a move that even he could not do.

Jia Lingwei hurriedly stepped back, while quickly giving a brief account of the reason for these people blocking the road and their evil deeds.

Hearing Jia Lingwei say that these people had done what he had seen before on more than one occasion, Ning Cheng’s heart grew murderous. These cultivators were trapped inside the Rule Road unable to enter or leave, without moral or human restraints. The kind of ugliness at the root of human nature was exposed. This was the madness before death.

But he had a bottom line of human morality, and when he was incapable of doing so, or he would have held back a breath. Now that his cultivation was attained and he had the True Devil Axe, how could he be afraid of this group of cultivators? Ning Cheng gestured for Jia Lingwei and Xie Yi Xiao to back off, when he was about to make his move, he definitely could not care about the rest of the people next to him.

Facing so many crazy cultivators. He had no intention of using the Xuan Xuan Gun at all. After all twenty of these XuanDan cultivators had surrounded him, he had already sacrificed his Taixu True Devil Axe.

As soon as the Tai Void True Demon Axe was sacrificed, a powerful violent and bloodthirsty aura filled Ning Cheng’s surroundings, Ning Cheng had not yet activated the Tai Void True Demon Axe, but that fierce aura had already spread out from his axe.

“You are a devil cultivator ……”

“Devil Cultivator ……”

Shocked voices rang out almost simultaneously as the cultivators on Brother Rong’s side were shocked that Ning Cheng was actually a devil cultivator. Individual XuanDan cultivators even subconsciously took a half step back. Devil Cultivators were a taboo, an existence that everyone in the Yixing Continent cried out to kill. Moreover, devil cultivators were irrational and killed without questioning red or white. They did not expect that there was still a devil cultivator entering the Rule Road.

Those cultivators who had entered the Rule Road together with Ning Cheng and were now stopped were equally shocked. Even Jia Lingwei, who had gone forward to explain to Ning Cheng, subconsciously pulled Changsun Yan back. The rest of the group retreated even more, and Multiplying Yixiao looked at Ning Cheng in some disbelief, muttering, “How could this be? How could it be a demon cultivator?”

Ning Cheng frowned slightly, he could not have imagined that the word Devil Cultivator would be so incredibly powerful. Whichever side he was on, it seemed that he did not want to come into contact with him either. At the beginning, although Nongzhen and Sister Shu were also worried about this matter, it wasn’t this terrifying, was it?

“I didn’t expect you to be a devil cultivator, for the sake of you being a devil cultivator, we don’t have anything to do with you in terms of water and fire, we’ll let you pass too, and you shouldn’t interfere in our affairs.” Brother Rong’s tone finally loosened up a little, Lu Ming was killed so be it, it was not a big big deal.

But to anger a crazy devil cultivator was not a good thing, devil cultivators were all crazy killers, they had all sorts of forbidden spells, all of them damaging spells, and the scale of the killings was huge, he had to be wary of these.

“A bunch of beasts, they are also worthy of discussing …… with me,” Ning Cheng had already sacrificed the Taixu True Devil Axe in his hand, and the tearing killing intent went berserk in an instant.

Brother Rong hissed and cursed, “Idiot, you think they will be grateful to you if you help these people out? You are a devil cultivator, if you are seriously injured, someone will immediately eradicate you to defend the Way ……”

No matter how this Brother Rong shouted, Ning Cheng’s Tai Void True Devil Axe was completely driven up, and a pale golden axe mark killing intent inspired out from this grey and unpleasant True Devil Axe. These axe marks killing intent with a raging uncontrollable violence, in this air formed one twisted fine axe pattern after another.

This was Ning Cheng’s Raging Axe’s third style, the Axe Pattern.

Ning Cheng’s original intention was to use the Axe Stripe to first finish off Brother Rong and the other Xuan Dan fifth level. However, after his True Devil Axe was activated, a frenzied bloodthirsty aura completely filled his consciousness. At this moment, all he wanted to do was to kill all the people surrounding him, leaving no one behind.

“He’s gone demonic, let’s all sacrifice our magic treasures together and blast away.” A XuanDan fifth layer cultivator called out before already sacrificing the drum-shaped magic treasure in his hand.

At this moment twenty magic treasures brought forth countless stirrings of true essence all blasting towards Ning Cheng, while Ning Cheng’s Taixu True Devil Axe had gone completely out of control, even Ning Cheng himself was completely out of control. The endless true essence in his Dan Lake all inspired the True Demon Axe without reservation, and one axe pattern killed another, bringing up one axe pattern vortex after another.

These axe pattern vortexes and axe pattern killing intent blasted out from the True Devil Axe. Together with the twenty attacking magic treasures, the bursts of true essence exploded.

Blood continued to spill out, and the Tai Void True Devil Axe was even more frantic after seeing the blood. Ning Cheng had also completely lost his composure. He frantically pushed out his true essence, and moved the Tai Void True Demon Axe to continuously perform the Three Angry Axe Stances.

“Boom boom boom boom …….”

The stirring and explosive true essence surged wildly in this area, and the axe killing intent brought up by Ning Cheng’s Tai Void True Devil Axe had formed a substantial killing pattern, and there were constantly cultivators being cut off by this killing pattern. This area where the battle was taking place became an inferno in an instant.

However, there were simply too many XuanDan cultivators here, and even though Ning Cheng was powerful, he was still a man, and he was only at the fourth level of XuanLi cultivation.

A trail of blood splattered out on Ning Cheng’s body, and even a sword directly pierced through Ning Cheng’s chest. Ning Cheng’s mind was stirred by this pain, and he immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He had almost gone into a demon just now. This Tai Void True Demon Axe was really bizarre, and his cultivation level was a little too low, he was only at the fourth level of Xuan Liquid and he was so crazy to cast the Tai Void True Demon Axe.

Seeing that his body was so scarred, if it wasn’t for the Xuanhuang Origin, he might have been finished off. Ning Cheng was furious in his heart. His Tai Void True Demon Axe once again rolled up in a frenzy. This time, his mind was clearer, or at least it was not the crazy killing aura that it had been just now.

Countless golden axe pattern swirls blasted out, blocking one magic treasure attack after another. While one of the largest golden axe pattern vortexes was controlled by Ning Cheng and blasted towards Brother Rong. He couldn’t fight in a chaotic manner like this, he had to break them down one by one.

When he had almost gone into a demon just now. In total, he had only killed a few XuanDan cultivators, and he himself was about to be finished off.

Feeling a clear swirl of axe patterns that swirled the killing intent around him and blasted directly towards him, Brother Rong was startled in his heart, and he immediately knew that Ning Cheng was going to kill them one by one. He hurriedly shouted, ”Those who are guarding the door come along. This man won’t last much longer ……”

Hearing Brother Rong’s shout, all the cultivators guarding the lapis gate all gathered around, and even some Xuan Liquid cultivators also rushed up.

All of them sacrificed their magic treasures and blasted at Ning Cheng.

“Boom ……” At the same time, the whirlwind brought out by the Taixu True Devil Axe blasted at Brother Rong’s Scorpion King Shear, which was deflected by the powerful axe intent of the True Devil Axe. The gathered killing power, however, blasted at Brother Rong’s chest without any half interval.

“Boom ……” Brother Rong split in four and was directly blasted by Ning Cheng’s whirlwind.

“Clack clack clack ……” Immediately after that, countless more clacking sounds exploded as dozens of magic treasures smashed on top of the dense axe pattern vortex that Ning Cheng had sacrificed, and the axe pattern vortex collapsed. Ning Cheng was also blown backwards by such a powerful attack and smashed into a huge rock behind him. However, the axe pattern vortex brought up by his True Devil Axe also saved his life.

“You guys hurry up and help, why is he the only one fighting ……” Sasha, who had already changed her clothes, had completely forgotten about being insulted by Lu Ming amongst the others earlier at this point, and was tearing around shouting for the people watching the battle to go up and help.

These cultivators were still shocked at the bloody scene of Ning Cheng fighting so many XuanDan cultivators, but now that they were reminded by Shasha, they immediately woke up. Now that the mouth of that canyon was unguarded, almost all of them rushed towards the mouth of that canyon in this instant, but none of them rushed up to help Ning Cheng.