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DYM Chapter 1021

Xiao Fei nodded when he saw that his ranking was already above that of the Fang Seed Master, as if it was expected, but he looked at the ten names in front of him and shook his head again, as if he wasn’t very satisfied.

“Mr. Xiao ……”

“Brother Xiao ……”

Various shouts came from the test name monument square, obviously at this moment Xiao Fei surpa*sed the Fang Seed Master attracting a large number of fans.

Xiao Fei smiled back and cupped his fist at the countless calls, then his body unfolded and disappeared from the Test Name Monument Square in the blink of an eye.

The countless fans left behind didn’t have the slightest opinion because Xiao Fei didn’t say a word, instead they were even more enthusiastic in their discussions. Many of them even secretly made up their minds to try to leave their names on the Golden Elixir Monument as well. No one could refuse the honour of being in the limelight, even if they were cultivators.

But that was just a thought, and no one went behind Xiao Fei to try for the name. The Hall of Fame Monument had been standing in the Hall of Fame Square for an unknown number of years, so if it was so easy to get on, then there would be too many people going up there every day to try their names. So generally only cultivators who had entered the Hall of Fame, or those who were sure of defeating the Hall of Fame, would go for the name test.

Otherwise, instead of being envied and admired by countless people, they would be mocked and ridiculed by countless people and would not be able to hold their heads up at all.

It had become a habit that a successful name test was a hero, while a failed test was a dog, a disgrace. So even if someone wants to try for a name, when they are not sure, they will choose a time when no one comes to the square to try for a name.

There is of course the major problem that each person can only try twice at the name test monument, and after two times if they fail, they will not have another chance. And there is a condition for these two attempts, that is, you will only get a second chance to try for the name after you have made the list for the first time. If you don’t make the list on the first try, you will never get a second chance.

Apart from that, some sects recruit disciples who rarely recruit failed Name Trial Monument cultivators. It is not because they are not self-respecting, but because after failing the name test, there will be some psychological shadows and it will be difficult to reach a higher level on the path of cultivation in the future. Of course not all cultivators would suffer from this shadow, some would even try harder, but there were relatively fewer of these cultivators.

Ye Mo silently looked at the countless noisy people and didn’t bother trying for a name. Although he was now wearing a top-notch mask, but Bo Rong was aware that he would come to try for the name, so he had to wait until all the people had left, and only then would he go to try for the name.

Before he tried his name, he also had to make sure that Bo Rong was here or not.

Ye Mo believed that only a few people at best knew his name in Nan’an City. Even if he became famous on the name test tablet, he would only attract people who knew him, while others still knew nothing about him.

It was probably because Xiao Fei had surpa*sed the Fang Seed Master and had reached the eleventh place on the Test Name Tablet. The cultivators on the Trial Monument Square did not immediately disperse and were still talking excitedly. At the end of the day, there were finally two people who could not hold back that surge of excitement and also came to the front of the Name Trial Monument to prepare for the name trial.

The first man even reached only about five feet before he was blocked, and after he had carved his name, there was no reaction at all on the name test tablet, let alone a display of his name. The second man, by some unknown means, managed to surpa*s the height of six feet, but his name was also untouched on the tablet.

Although the two of them, amidst the ridicule and mockery, immediately rushed out of the stele square with red faces, their biographies and origins were retrieved by the people in the stele square. Not only did they lose the chance to try for another name, they would also be discussed as negative examples for countless years.

With the example of these two, although there were still many people in the square who wanted to try, no one came out to try for the name again.

Ye Mo did not leave, he found a place to sit down and waited silently. He had to leave his name on the Golden Dan Name Trial Tablet as early as possible, then hide and advance to Yuan Ying, then return to Nan An City to continue waiting for news of Luo Ying and Qing Xue.

The hustle and bustle in the name test stele square had gradually dissipated in the early hours of the morning, except for the dozen or so cultivators who were still scattered in the stele square to feel the success of others, most of the cultivators had already left.

Ye Mo knew that even if he waited any longer, there wouldn’t be any fewer people. He stood up, this was the best time for him to try the name test.

Ye Mo walked to the front of the Jindan Name Test Tablet, a good looking girl with her eyes closed was standing there motionless, seemingly feeling and looking back at something.

Because of the name test, Ye Mo had long paid attention to the surroundings of the name test tablet, and this girl had been standing in this position after that Xiao Fei’s name test. Later on, when two more people came to try for the name, she gave way and when those two people tried for the name, this girl stood in this position again.

“Can you give way?” Ye Mo walked up to that girl and reminded her.

The girl knew that Ye Mo was coming, but she still had her eyes closed until Ye Mo spoke, then she opened them and said, “Does it affect you if I stand here?”

Ye Mo nodded and said, “Yes, you have affected me, I want to test the name.”

“What? You said you want to try for a name?” The girl shouted out in surprise, and before she could continue speaking, a male cultivator hurriedly came over.

The male cultivator walked up to Ye Mo and gave Ye Mo a fist hug and said, “This friend, my senior sister has a great admiration for Duke Xiao. After Mr. Xiao’s name test earlier, she has not wanted to leave and wanted to feel Mr. Xiao’s aura, so if there is any disturbance, please understand.”

Ye Mo looked at this male cultivator, he was in his 30s or 40s, with a third level of cultivation of Jindan, two levels higher than the female cultivator. As soon as he looked at the male cultivator’s eyes, he knew that the male cultivator was very fond of his senior sister.

Suddenly, Ye Mo actually felt some sympathy for this male cultivator, the woman he liked liked another man. While she was feeling that man’s scent, he had to stand by the side and wait for her.

Ye Mo looked at this pair of senior siblings speechlessly, there were really all kinds of people.

“Senior brother, he said that he wants to try for a name.” The girl suddenly opened her mouth and said.

“What? You want to try for a name?” The male cultivator’s reaction was exactly the same as the female cultivator’s.

Ye Mo nodded and said, “I am going to try for a name, but I think you should be more concerned about your senior sister rather than about me.”

Although Ye Mo didn’t know much about the feelings between men and women, he knew that if this male cultivator treated his senior sister like this, in the end, even if he got his senior sister, the two of them wouldn’t have any happiness. Unless one day, he could be like Xiao Fei and do something that would never wear off in his senior sister’s heart, then there would be hope.

The male cultivator obviously didn’t listen to Ye Mo’s words, but he pulled his senior sister aside and then smiled at Ye Mo and said, “You try the name first, it’s fine for my senior sister to come back later.”

Ye Mo had a complete Jindan cultivation, he only had a third level Jindan cultivation, and his senior sister only had a first level Jindan cultivation, so he obviously didn’t dare to offend Ye Mo.

After the two left, although the male cultivator didn’t show any strange expressions, the girl showed some disgust. Apparently she was somewhat disgusted with Ye Mo for driving her away, or rather disgusted that this person was not self-respecting and dared to follow Brother Xiao’s example to test his name.

Apart from the male and female cultivators who had just left who were still paying attention to Ye Mo, the remaining dozen or so cultivators in the square who were sparse obviously didn’t notice Ye Mo in front of the name test monument, and all Ye Mo wanted was to not be noticed. As for the senior sibling who had just left to pay attention to himself, Ye Mo did not care. Because he knew that after his name test, that female cultivator was still going to come and feel her idol’s breath.

After Ye Mo stood in front of the Golden Dan Name Test Tablet, his divine sense had already checked out again and he was sure that no one was hiding at the side to pay attention to the Name Test Tablet before he put his mind at ease. He was not afraid of Bo Yong, but the power of the ‘An Bei Three Devils’ was not something he could resist.

Ye Mo didn’t make any preparations in front of the Name Test Tablet, and with his true essence running, he directly shot up into the sky. He wanted to leave his name within a very short period of time and then leave the place quietly.

“Stupid ……” the girl said disdainfully when she saw Ye Mo leap straight up without any preparation after being pulled to the side by her senior brother.

That male cultivator hurriedly pulled him again and said, “Senior sister, that person is a Jindan consummate cultivator, you should not speak so loudly, in case you are heard, it would be bad.”

The girl said, “What is he, if not a fool? It’s fine if he’s afraid of being ridiculed for coming to the name test at night, but he’s still wearing clothes without attributes. Even a genius like Mr. Xiao, who is a pure gold spirit root, wears a golden monk’s uniform to the test, so what is he? Even so, he’ll be ridiculed and mocked just the same tomorrow.”

That male cultivator fell silent, knowing that once his senior sister spoke about Xiao Fei, he couldn’t argue, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to eat his words.

It was just that the female cultivator simply didn’t know that Ye Mo hadn’t even inquired carefully about the Name Test Tablet. As for what attributes pa*sed on what kind of clothes were better for the name test, he knew even less. But even if Ye Mo knew, he wouldn’t deliberately change a set of clothes, that little impact he wouldn’t care.

As soon as Ye Mo’s side rushed up to try the name, it immediately attracted the few dozen cultivators in the square, and those several cultivators immediately gathered around. They would never miss something like someone trying for a name. Although the fact that this cultivator trying for a name only dared to do so at night meant that his chances of success were close to zero, it was still a topic of conversation.

There was another cultivator who tried his name after Xiao Fei, who did not think twice about it. This cultivator chose to try his name at night for fear of being ridiculed and known. However, this was just a cover-up, even if he tried his name even later, his name would still be known immediately.

When Ye Mo rose to two feet, he felt a strong pressure coming from him, and as he rose, that pressure became stronger and stronger.

He finally understood why the name trial stele could not rise to a higher height, it turned out that the higher it was the greater the pressure, but this pressure was really nothing to him. With his true essence running, he rose even faster.

Only when he reached five feet, apart from the pressure, there was also a powerful killing intent coming from him. It seemed that if he did not fall, the next moment, he would be killed by that powerful killing intent under this pressure.