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DYM Chapter 1402

In just a few moments, Wu Bin’s body was completely transformed into true essence, then dissipated into nothing, even the spirit disappeared.

Ye Mo gave a secret sigh and collected Wu Bin’s ring. Knowing that he was no match for him, Wu Bin disintegrated on his own through the means of giving back to heaven and earth. In this way, he was not considered to have his soul destroyed.

This golden hall of the Canghai Palace was rich in spiritual energy, so it was obvious that it was not as simple as a spiritual vein, and just when Ye Mo wanted to take a closer look, several people had already entered the golden hall.

“Brother Ye, Jing Xue Cheng thanks you for saving my life.” The man at the head of the group was surprisingly Jing Xue Cheng who had been rescued, and next to Jing Xue Cheng was still a cultivator of the fourth level of Transformation Truth, with Jing Zhuo Xiang and Jing Hai following behind him.

Without waiting for Ye Mo to ask, Jing Zhuo Xiang had already said, “Officiant Na had planned to save my brother and happened to meet us back.”

Only then did Ye Mo understand that this cultivator was a former donor of the Canghai Hall, and he was prepared to save Jing Xue Cheng in consideration of the old love of the old hall master, so he was a man who remembered his old days…

Seeing that Jing Xue Cheng was alright, Ye Mo smiled and said, “It’s good that Brother Jing is alright.”

Jing Xue Cheng let out a long sigh and said, “When I first befriended Brother Ye, I knew that Brother Ye was not an ordinary person, but now only a few years have pa*sed, and Brother Ye is already a master of the True Transformation, while I am still standing still. I was planning to help Brother Ye before, but now I realise that I am a frog at the bottom of the well, and I still need Brother Ye to help me in the end.”

Ye Mo knew that Jing Xue Cheng had just suffered a change and had some fluctuations in his heart, so he didn’t say anything more and just said, “Canghai Hall still needs you to tidy up a bit, so I think you will be very busy. I’m also leaving here, I’ll come back to visit Brother Jing at Canghai Hall later if I’m free.”

Jing Xue Cheng should have heard his sister say that Ye Mo was up to something, so he wasn’t surprised and nodded in response, “Good, the reason why that evil thief Yong Lan Yi didn’t kill me, I’m afraid that he might have investigated your whereabouts and wanted to kill me in front of you to vent his anger over his son being killed. That Yong Lan Yi is much more powerful than Wu Bin. Brother Ye. You should be more careful.”

Ye Mo laughed and said, “Good, then I’ll leave you here. If Brother Jing has any difficulties in the future, you can go to Mo Yue’s City in Southern An Continent to look for me, Ye Mo.”

After saying this, Ye Mo did not even greet anyone else, and with a vanish of light, he had already disappeared outside the Golden Hall.

“This person has a high cultivation level.” Only when Ye Mo disappeared into thin air did the cultivator who was next to Jing Xue Cheng, who was a Transformed True cultivator, speak in amazement.

“What Donor Na said was that Si Mu Lin was killed by Senior Ye in one move. I’m sure Hall Master Wu didn’t last long either ……” Wang Han interjected, obviously still not quite used to calling Wu Bin’s name directly.


After Ye Mo left the Canghai Hall. Once again, he sacrificed his airship magic treasure. Since he was here, he must kill Yong Lan Yi’s dog’s head before doing so. In just half a day, Ye Mo arrived at Ling Island for the second time. He came to Ling Island for one purpose only, to teach Wang Cang a lesson.

The defensive formation outside Ling Island, Ye Mo could not use his divine sense to sweep through it, but inside here. His divine sense blade could still easily break through the shielding divine sense formation of the alliance house. However, after Ye Mo entered Ling Island, his divine sense did not find Wang Cang, and he was greatly disappointed. There were also two early stage of True Transformation in the Alliance Master’s Mansion, and he did not know any of them.

Without Wang Cang, Ye Mo did not have the slightest interest in who was managing Ling Island, and he did not even stay for a moment before he was already out of Ling Island.


Tongling Island. The size was not much different from Ling Island. The Tonghai Sect was situated on this island.

At the beginning, at the place on the sea side of the An Island in the Heartless Sea, the three major powers, the Tonghai Sect, the Sea Cultivation Union and the Canghai Palace, coexisted. And among these three major powers. The only place that scattered cultivators were afraid of was the Tonghai Sect. Generally speaking, the casual cultivators would not go to Tong Ling Island unless they had no other way out.

The Tonghai Sect’s leader, Yong Lan Yi, was cruel, but after all, as long as he didn’t commit any crimes, he was a ninth-level cultivator who wouldn’t bother with ordinary people.

But Yong Lan Yi’s son Yong Wu Zi and his daughter Yong Yu Er were even more cruel, as long as they disagreed with him, they would be killed without any reason.

Yong Lan Yi’s son, Yong Wu Zi, was so ugly and despicable that he had killed countless cultivators on Tong Ling Island. And although Yong Yu’er, Yong Lan Yi’s daughter, was as beautiful as a flower, she was as poisonous as a scorpion and had killed even more people than Yong Wu Zi.

While Yong Wu Zi had at least some justification for his killings, Yong Yu’er’s killings were based on pure preference.

Instead of restraining his son and daughter, Yong Lan Yi was extremely tolerant of them. It was not until the eighteenth plate of Luo Qu that Yong Wu Zi was killed by Ye Mo, but Yong Lan Yi was unable to avenge his son, and he was suddenly thunderstruck. When Yong Lan Yi was thunderstruck, many more innocent cultivators were involved and lost their lives for no reason. In order to have another son, Yong Lan Yi wrecked hundreds and thousands of female cultivators, and Tong Ling Island was in a sad state.

All of them guessed that if the Tonghai Sect went on like this, it would definitely be the first one to be destroyed among the three major powers in the Border Sea. But it turned out that all of them were wrong, because not only was the Tonghai Sect not the first to be destroyed, but the other two powers became his va*sals.

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles away from Tong Ling Island, a beautiful windmill magic treasure was stopping in the sky above the Heartless Sea, and stopped by this windmill magic treasure was a lower grade true weapon airship.

Ye Mo’s airship had slowed down, and when a young girl on that windmill saw Ye Mo’s airship, she immediately shouted out, “Stop that airship quickly.”

In fact, without waiting for the young girl on top of this windmill to say anything, one of the robbery transformation cultivators on the windmill was already ready to move out. Only he then stopped, he saw that the airship magic treasure did not flee, but instead leaned towards the windmill.

“Miss, this man has sent the ship.” A cultivator of the third level of the robotic transformation on top of the windmill spoke curtly to the young girl.

After the young girl saw clearly that the person standing on the overcoming airship was Ye Mo, she froze, and after a moment, she immediately screamed, “It’s him, the one called Ye Mo, he killed my brother, stop him, I want to drink all his blood, I want to chop up his flesh and feed it to the dogs.”

The one who came was of course Ye Mo, he saw Yong Yu’er from afar, he had not seen her for a few years, Yong Yu’er had become more and more plump, her skin was even whiter and redder, while her wavy hair looked just like a fairy tale beauty girl. However, Ye Mo knew that this woman was definitely not a fairy-tale beauty, but a poisonous scorpion.

The last time he saw Yong Yu’er, she was surrounded by two Cultivators of the Cultivation Tripod, but this time it was two Cultivators of the Transformation. It should be that Yong Lan Yi was afraid that something would happen to her daughter again, so she simply sent two experts to escort her around her.

“Ye Mo ……” Yong Yu’er had never been one to stand tall and let anyone die, at this moment, seeing Ye Mo strutting over, even though she knew full well that Ye Mo was about to be caught, she was furious. So she pointed at Ye Mo and couldn’t even say anything.

Ye Mo stopped his airship and said with a bland smile, “Are you saying that I still dare to pa*s by here? I also happened to just come here on purpose. I told your cheap old dad last time that I was coming back to visit him, and look how well I kept my word and came back so soon. Originally I thought that I would have to break the tortoise shell of Tong Ling Island, but I never thought that I would meet you first.”

Speaking here Ye Mo sighed, his gaze deliberately swept over Yong Yu’er’s body a few times and said, “Last time I just looked at you and you wanted to kill me. This time, do you think it’s better for me to jinān you before killing you, or kill you before jinān. Well, I think it’s better to forget it, you are a female not bad, but half demon and half human, you really don’t appeal to my appetite.”

Ye Mo said this in a vicious manner, knowing that demon cultivation to the extreme had become completely indistinguishable from human cultivation, not to mention that Yong Yu’er was not even considered a demon cultivator, such a statement from Ye Mo was simply nonsense. The reason he said this was because he knew that Yong Lan Yi was spoilt and was deliberately saying it to anger her, to avenge the hatred he felt when he was forced to run away from nowhere and almost killed by this woman.

The last time Ye Mo only glanced at Yong Yu’er, she was as mad as if she wanted to kill Ye Mo. What’s more, this time, not only did Ye Mo say such vicious words, he also swept around with his gaze unscrupulously?

Yong Yu’er’s lips were already purple with anger, and she finally couldn’t help but spurt out a mouthful of blood. When had she ever been so angry? What kind of person dared to say such things in front of her?

“Peel his skin for me ……” Yong Yu’er managed to struggle out a sentence.

However, the two Transformation Cultivators around her were cautiously staring at Ye Mo, not listening to Yong Yu’er’s words for the first time. Although Ye Mo had concealed his cultivation and his aura did not explode out, but he was so reckless in front of the two Transformation Cultivators, he was obviously not a simple person. Moreover, the airship under Ye Mo’s feet was still a very high quality true weapon flying magic treasure. In the cultivation world, all cultivators who had Extreme True Artifact flying magic treasures were not great powers.

“What are you guys afraid of? Only a few years ago this man had condensed body cultivation, so what can he do now? Kill him for me.” Yong Yu’er had already slowed down by now, and was even more extremely dissatisfied as she added another sentence.

At this time, the two cultivators, a man and a woman on the airship that was stopped by Yong Yu’er, were already frozen, they had escaped from Tong Ling Island, of course they knew that Yong Yu’er was a demon. And this young cultivator in front of them dared to say such vicious words to this demon, didn’t he know that there were times when there were many things more terrible than death?

“Good, miss.” The cultivator of the fifth level of the robotic transformation among them also felt that he was overly worried, although Ye Mo was standing here as if he was emboldened, who knew if he was pretending? Besides, what height could a cultivator so young cultivate to? At most, he would only be a tripod. Having a very high quality airship true weapon is an expert? Wasn’t the young lady in his own family the same as a very high quality True Weapon flying dervish?

After understanding this, the cultivator at the fifth level of the robbery transformation immediately sacrificed a net-like magic treasure and flew out the windmill, while the net-like magic treasure in his own hand was already covering Ye Mo