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DYM Chapter 2118

Three months later, Ye Mo had worked out a plan to rearrange the sealing formation. Piles and piles of formation flags were refined by Ye Mo, and mountains of top grade immortal materials were refined into formation flags.

A year later, Ye Mo looked at the piles of formation flags and was glad that he had met the patriarch of the Du Ting God Sect. Otherwise, with those materials he had prepared, even refining a small half of those formation flags would not be enough.

Yu Xiu, the original Grand Palace Master of the Ice God Palace, was a*sisting Ye Mo on the side, sorting out the types of formation flags for each direction of the formation. Although the two did not say much, their hearts grew more and more anxious. Originally, both of them thought that this formation could still last for decades, but while they were refining the formation flags inside this formation, this formation was breaking down at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

At this rate, it would be less than three to five years before this formation would completely shatter away. Then the formation seal from the Immortal Realm to the Holy Dao Remnant Realm would disappear and the pa*sage would all be opened.

Seeing that Ye Mo only cared about refining the formation flags, Yu Xiu finally somewhat couldn’t help but ask, “Immortal Friend Ye, why don’t you set up a few formation flags first to stabilize this formation for a while?”

Ye Mo shook his head and said, “No, if I arrange the formation flags now, it will just be drinking hemlock to quench my thirst. Repairing it is not the way to go at all, it will only cause trouble for me to reseal the formation in the future.”

Ye Mo’s formation cultivation was far more profound than Yu Xiu’s, and he knew that the formation base was a complete one at this time. If he mended the formation on top of the formation base now, it would destroy the formation base. In the future, when he finishes refining all the formation flags, if he sets up the formation again, he will have to destroy the formation base once again, this kind of thing that will cost more than it is worth, Ye Mo does not want to do it.

Although this formation was loose to the point that it was about to collapse. But Ye Mo was confident that as long as he was still here. Even if an ordinary person came here. They would not be able to pa*s through him to the Immortal Realm. Unless a real Dao Yuan Saint Emperor came. But in Ye Mo’s opinion, a true Dao Yuan Saint Emperor, or even a Dao Transformation Saint Emperor, wouldn’t bother to go around a low level interface.

Two years later, Ye Mo finished refining the last formation flag, and only then did he realise that he had few materials left.

Ye Mo was relieved that he had finally finished refining the formation flag completely before the formation collapsed. He distributed some of the formation flags to Yu Xiu and then gave her a jade slip for setting up the formation and said. “Grand Palace Master, when you get to the Immortal Realm side later, follow this jade slip I gave you to set up.”

Yu Xiu took what Ye Mo handed over and expressed her understanding.

Ye Mo once again raised his hand and waved out several formation flags, and a clear and distinct pa*sage instantly appeared in the originally misty place. Yu Xiu knew that Ye Mo’s formation techniques were powerful, but seeing Ye Mo open up a pa*sage to the entrance of the Immortal Realm with such a heavy hand, he was also in awe.

“Immortal Friend Ye, is there anything else you need my help with?” Yu Xiu did not immediately head to the pa*sage, instead he asked Ye Mo a follow-up question.

Ye Mo thanked Yu Xiu in his heart for being an understanding person, he took out a ring and handed it to Yu Xiu and said. “Grand Palace Master, inside this ring are some divine crystals and two low-level divine spirit veins. There are also some of my cultivation tips, so I’ll give them to the Grand Palace Master.”

Yu Xiu thanked her and took the ring over. She knew that some of the divine crystals inside this ring were for setting up formations, and the extra ones were given to her by Ye Mo.

Seeing Yu Xiu put away the ring, Ye Mo only took out a green-coloured bead again and handed it to Yu Xiu, saying, “This is a small world that I obtained and I have refined it. If you have time to go to the Mo Yue Immortal Sect in Gong Hua Heaven, help me give this bead to my wife, Luo Ying.”

The bead Ye Mo gave Yu Xiu was definitely not a crude thing like a small world, but a true spirit world that he had obtained from that purple-robed man back then, a true spirit world that could even be derived into the five elemental worlds. Ye Mo had put many things in it, including the rings he had given to Ye Ling, Bei Wei, Light Snow and the others.

The reason why he gave it to Luo Ying was rather because Luo Ying was a sister-like existence compared to them. No one would have extra thoughts just because something was in Luo Ying’s hands. At the same time, Ye Mo also believed that even if Yu Xiu knew that what he gave to Luo Ying was the True Spirit World, he would not have any strange thoughts.

Yu Xiu took the green coloured beads and instead bowed to Ye Mo and said, “Thank you, Immortal Friend Ye, Yu Xiu will definitely get this done.”

Only Yu Xiu himself knew why she had to thank Ye Mo for helping him. It was because Ye Mo could have gone back to the Immortal World on his own, but he did not choose to go back. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go back, but even if Ye Mo was fast enough to return to Gong Hua Heaven and then come back here, it would still take some time, and now this formation was about to collapse, and once Ye Mo wasn’t here, the formation would span. If a few Yuk Dao Saint Emperors came to enter the Immortal Realm, no one would know about it.

Ye Mo understood Yu Xiu’s thoughts, he did think this way, but not entirely. This new formation that was to be set up, he had reserved an entrance, it was just that the cost of this entrance was too high, using a Phase-less Secret Gold. Phaseless Secret Gold was the top of the line material for boundary formation setting up, and it was the only one Ye Mo had. He had arranged the Phase-less Secret Gold with the aim of having the opportunity to return to the Immortal Realm from here again in the future.

It was just a pity that the amount of his Phase-less Secret Gold was too small and he only refined three formation flags, two echoing formation flags and one opening formation flag. One opening formation flag could only be used once, so that meant he only had one chance to return to the Immortal Realm.

In the future, when he returned from the Void City, he could use this formation flag to return to the Immortal Realm. Now that the collapse of this formation was imminent, he would definitely not have time to go to the Mochizuki Immortal Sect. If he waited until he finished setting up this formation and then made a trip to the Mo Yue Immortal Sect, was that would be a waste of this formation flag.

Of course, what did not worry Ye Mo was that the Immortal Realm’s Mo Yue Immortal Sect was now so powerful that there were several Immortal Emperors. When he first left the Mo Yue Immortal Sect, he had repeatedly instructed that once a cultivator ascended in the Luo Yue Continent, it would immediately be known by the Mo Yue Immortal Sect and there would not be any danger.

Compared to returning to the Immortal Realm, he wanted to make a trip to the Void Market even more.

Seeking opportunities to nurture the Dao in the Void Market was of course one of Ye Mo’s main purposes, there was another purpose that Ye Mo had never mentioned, and that was that he had heard that there were people from the Netherworld in the Void Market, and he wanted to ask if Wan Qing’s soul could be retrieved from the Netherworld.

Ye Mo knew very well that his cultivation level was too low compared to the Yin Underworld. At the beginning, the Mixed Saint Emperor Duanmu Tallow had returned in defeat in the Netherworld, so he would not be so presumptuous as to be able to break into the Netherworld hard.

“Then Yu Xiu will leave first.” After saluting Ye Mo, Yu Xiu did not ask to see Qing Ru again; since Qing Ru was going to find her own path, seeing her again would just add to her sadness.

Before Ye Mo could speak, he heard a “click” and a figure broke into the dark fog.

“Huh, someone has already come first?” The figure that broke in was surprised when he saw Ye Mo and Yu Xiu, and then he saw clearly that both Ye Mo and Yu Xiu’s cultivation levels were far worse than his.

Ye Mo understood in his heart that he was right not to go back to the Mo Yue Immortal Sect, the person who came was a Nurtured Dao Saint Emperor, once he went back and came back, Yu Xiu was definitely not a match for this person. This person would definitely be the same as the Yudao Saint Emperor who had broken into the Immortal Realm back then, and would break into the Immortal Realm again.

“Get lost.” This Nurtured Dao Saint Emperor didn’t even ask Ye Mo and Yu Xiu for any words, and directly offered a red aura to slash at Ye Mo.

Not to mention that this Yudao Saint Emperor made the first move, even if he didn’t, Ye Mo would have killed him. At this moment, when the red mango came over, Ye Mo even snorted coldly and blasted out with a fist.

The Rift Sky divine Power swept up the space killing momentum and instantly swept up this red mango, and the next moment this Yuk Dao Saint Emperor was locked in place by the Rift Sky divine Power’s fist.

“Transformation Dao ……” This Yuk Dao Saint Emperor immediately cried out in shock when he felt his surroundings locked. He thought that only Sage Emperors above the Dao of Transformation could use their domain and fist power to completely lock him in place.

Even though this Dao Breeding Saint Emperor had underestimated Ye Mo, in his haste, he still broke free of Ye Mo’s fist power spatial lock and forcibly sacrificed a blue giant bowl.

With a “clang”, the giant platinum was hit by Ye Mo’s fist power, sending a ripple through the surrounding space.

Although this Yudao Saint Emperor had forcibly sacrificed the giant mantle, it was blown away directly by Ye Mo’s punch before it was fully activated. He was simultaneously blasted by Rift’s powerful fist and flew backwards out of thin air with several spurts of blood.

Without waiting for him to speak, Ye Mo’s hand brought down another five thunder lances with a blast, and in his haste, this Yudao Saint Emperor was torn into shreds by Ye Mo’s five thunder lances.

Yu Xiu was secretly afraid in his heart, if this Yudao Saint Emperor had pa*sed the sealing formation from the Holy Dao Remnant Realm to the Immortal Realm, then with this person’s nature of killing without asking any reason just now, the Immortal Realm might all become his True Spirit World.

“Grand Palace Master, the sealing formation in this place is already in tatters, and more and more people will come. You should return to the Immortal Realm now, and we will immediately start setting up the sealing formation.” Ye Mo put away the ring and said gruffly.

“Good, then Yu Xiu will wait for Immortal Friend Ye’s good news in the Immortal Realm.” After Yu Xiu finished speaking, he no longer hesitated and accelerated his speed to enter that formation gate that led to the Immortal Realm.


Ninghai, at this time, was already a very famous city in China, just because Ye Mo, the miracle man of the generation, had once lived here. At this time, in an old and simple fortune telling stall on Ninghai pedestrian street, an old Taoist looking immortal was saying with his eyes closed, “Your fortune has not yet arrived, go back and eat more sweet potatoes. In three years, or you can ……”

“Huh ……” Before this old Taoist had finished speaking, he suddenly stood up in surprise and looked up at the void sky in the distance while giving a startled eep.

“Good, good, to have repaired the formation seal, if it is you, then it means that I have not misjudged you.”

After saying that he simply ignored the middle-aged man still sitting in front of his stall, put away the simple fortune telling stall, turned around and left.

“Hey, Master, you haven’t finished telling my fortune ……” No matter how much the middle-aged man called out, the old Taoist just ignored him, and in just a few minutes, the old Taoist disappeared into the crowd.