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DYM Chapter 39-40

Chapter 39 “There is no other way here, except this road, into the mountain is Guixiang Daling, that there are several tourist attractions, but most of them are still primitive mountain ranges, there is really no place to get out here ……” said a kind middle-aged man inside the car. The woman was silent for … Read more

Boss Lady Chapter 872 Finale

The universe is vast and rippling. There are many mysterious places that are worth exploring. On the spaceship, Ying Zigui and Jun Mu Sha sat on the ground. In the middle is a small square table with two cups of milk tea and a hotpot. Next to the hotpot were meatballs and fatty beef, as … Read more

Boss Lady Chapter 871

As big as the sky was, her mama was the biggest. “Fine, fine, don’t call it that.” Rong Chen was amused and looked at the package behind her again, quite surprised, “What are you going to do here?” “I’m going to play in another universe.” Fu Xiaotuanzi hugged her small parcel tightly, “They are not … Read more

Boss Lady Chapter 870

Ying Zidian slowly looked up. In the vast universe, there are countless star children. There are nebulae, black holes, and all kinds of particles that humans have not yet studied. Now, all that remained in front of her eyes was this purple dress, fluttering and floating. The familiar eyebrows, the familiar face, even the look … Read more

Boss Lady Chapter 869

Eighteen commissioning sessions, eighteen test flights. The whole experimental project had taken five years to achieve its goal at this moment. No one, including Ying Zidian, had expected that the Cosmic Desolate Wood had really been researched within five years. Ying Zidian’s expression was slightly austere and her voice sank, “I’m on my way.” Ending … Read more